Agiros Organic Skincare

Our freshly blended skincare with unique formulations are tailored to meet your personal skincare needs

#Natural Organic Skincare.  #Anti-ageing Skincare Products, #Freshly Blended When You Order, Free From Harmful Synthetic Chemicals and Trusted Ingredients.  #Penny Price Aromatherapy Products and #Aromatherapy Courses. #IFPA & #IFA.  #Eczema Face Oils,  Qualified Aromatherapists, #Rejuvenating Serums, #Brightening Face Oils
#Natural Organic Skincare.  #Anti-ageing Skincare Products, #Freshly Blended When You Order, Free From Harmful Synthetic Chemicals and Trusted Ingredients.  #Penny Price Aromatherapy Products and #Aromatherapy Courses. #IFPA & #IFA.  #Eczema Face Oils,  Qualified Aromatherapists, #Rejuvenating Serums, #Brightening Face Oils


#Natural Organic Skincare.  $Anti-ageing Skincare Products, #Freshly Blended When You Order, #Free From Harmful Synthetic Chemicals and Trusted Ingredients.  #Penny Price Aromatherapy Products and #Aromatherapy Courses.  #IFPA & #IFA.

$395 (Value of $530)

10ml Face Oil (Nourish hydrate)

10ml Collagen Serum (Neroli) ________________________________

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#Natural Organic Skincare.  #Anti-ageing Skincare Products, #Freshly Blended When You Order, #Free From Harmful Synthetic Chemicals and Trusted Ingredients.  #Penny Price Aromatherapy Products and Aromatherapy Courses.  #IFPA & #IFA.
Age Defying

$1200 (Value of $1660)

10ml Face Oil (Anti-age)

30ml Collagen Serum (Rose)

100ml Collagen Moisture Gel Mask


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#Natural Organic Skincare.  #Anti-ageing Skincare Products, #Freshly Blended When You Order, #Free From Harmful Synthetic Chemicals and #Trusted Ingredients.  #Penny Price Aromatherapy Products and #Aromatherapy Courses.  #IFPA & #IFA.  #Aromatherapy Hong Kong.  #Penny Price Aromatherapy.  #Accredited IFPA Courses.
Sensitive Skin

$890 (Value of $1200)

10ml Face Oil (Sensitive)

30ml Collagen Serum (Lavender)

100ml Sen Gel Mask


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Freshly prepared when you order

Trusted organic ingredients

Free from synthetic & harmful chemicals


OUr Founder


Natural Skincare Transformation


Carmen is our Academy Principal and qualified aromatherapist with over 15 years of experience in skincare. She developed Agiros natural skincare products for anti-ageing and problematic skin types.  Carmen spends much of her time teaching in the academy, providing consultations to private clients and training to corporates. (

The secrets to natural skincare

Collagen Serum

Our Collagen Serum Collection provides exceptional results for your skin. With a commitment to simple, natural and effective ingredients, our serum harnesses the power of organic hydrosol, algae, and hyaluronic acid to deliver transformative benefits. 

The formula ensures maximum efficacy and visible results within just a few days of use. 

*Freshly blended upon receiving order

Therapeutic Face Oils

Oils have been used in beauty products for thousands of years.  They are essential to the health of our skin.

With its unique properties and undeniable benefits our collection of face oils can be a game changer for those looking to hydrate, nourish, improve texture and elasticity or prevent signs of aging. 

*Freshly blended upon receiving order

Revitalising Hydro Gel

Our lightweight, Hydro Gel  mask collection is designed to be cool and calming while providing an intense boost of hydration and nourishment to your skin. It’s enriched with a range of therapeutic plant based oils to provide essential nutrients and antioxidants to the skin.

*Freshly blended upon receiving order

Kamen Lee - PhD University Professor 

“This program is surprisingly a very rewarding journey to me, all because of the “persons” I met in the program, teachers and the classmates.  I enjoy the synergy we have as a learning cohort.  A group with so much fun and genuine. Thanks for running this program, Carmen.  You are very knowledgeable in this area and have a kind heart and right mind.  Truly appreciate it.  You are a great teacher.  Grateful. ”  “ Thank you once again for your passion and selflessness in teaching.  I still have much more to learn from you. "

Ariel Wu - Cabin Crew

" 上 PPA 課程前,純粹因自己皮膚長期敏感,想學用精油去幫助自己皮膚問題!"" 上完 PPA課程之後,我真係大開眼界,精油原來可以應用喺生活各個層面,情緒舒緩、皮膚、頭髮、身體不適、甚至在治療層面!我好開心係學完之後,可以即時應用,完全非常值得,加上PPAHK 校長 Carmen 係無私分享好多臨床經驗,和實例,真係好難得嘅課程,上堂學習的精油都係來自英國精油世家PennyPrice 的優質精油,完成課堂仲可以有超大學生折扣!學完的知識,真係專業的,而且可以運用在自己同全家人的生活中,在咁多間學校,感恩俾我遇到PPAHK, 完全唔商業化的學校,係香港真係好難得,俾我再揀,我都會報PPAHK讀! "

Connie Liu - Mother 

" The oils are playing a very important roles in our lives now. Both myself and my daughter use their oils on our face sand body to keep it soft and supple. Goodbye dry skin. Also love the lavender oil to help me sleep. Works amazing well, I don't have problems fallen asleep now. "

Veronica Lee - Secretary 

“ 做電療前醫院的護士向我講解電療帶來的副作用,她說可能會令皮膚變黑,有灼傷現象,嚴重時會起水泡,需要到醫院洗傷口。 哥哥特意找Carmen為我調配兩款精油,在電療期間及之後使用。我用了精油後沒有出現以上的症狀。電療師又說我情況好好。在我的電療期間給我電話跟進我用後的情況真的很多謝她。”

Vivian Lee - Teacher 

" The trainer of PPA Diploma course, Carmen is a passionate and well-experienced aromatherapist. She is willing to share all her experience and knowledge to us. I enjoy so much in the classes, especially when discussing the case studies. It helps me to build up the professional knowledge and the practical usage of essential oils. I feel more confident now in mastering personalised blending for therapeutic use. I highly recommend those who want to unlock the power of aromatherapy to join this Diploma course. " 

Annie G. Chan - Makeup Artist

" 試過幾款 Penny Price Aromatherapy(PPA) 的產品,和大家分享一下用後感, PPA 是英國著名香薰品牌,品牌所生產的芳香療法產品都是行內指標,是少數做到原料和生產過程都是真真正正 " 有機 " 的品牌,試用過他們的精油和花水,味天然得來比其他香薰品牌更具層次感,想不到香薰除了香味之外,治療范圍亦很廣,如經痛,濕疹,減肥,更年期問題等.... 他們特意為我調配了乳霜 , 潤膚膏和潤唇膏,用後效果非常好,膚質明顯在短時間內有改善,意想不到天然產品的效果會這麼快 ! 最重要是沒有化學成份為身體帶來負擔,用起來都很安心. " 


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#Natural Organic Skincare.  #Anti-ageing Skincare Products, #Freshly Blended When You Order, #Free From Harmful Synthetic Chemicals and #Trusted Ingredients.  #Penny Price Aromatherapy Products and #Aromatherapy Courses.  #IFPA & #IFA.  #Aromatherapy Hong Kong.  #Penny Price Aromatherapy.  #Accredited IFPA Courses.
#Natural Organic Skincare.  #Anti-ageing Skincare Products, #Freshly Blended When You Order, #Free From Harmful Synthetic Chemicals and #Trusted Ingredients.  #Penny Price Aromatherapy Products and #Aromatherapy Courses.  #IFPA & #IFA.  #Aromatherapy Hong Kong.  #Penny Price Aromatherapy.  #Accredited IFPA Courses.