英國香薰治療師協會 IFPA 和 IFA 有何分別?

英國香薰治療師協會 IFPA 和 IFA 有何分別?

Posted by Carmen Man on

IFPA (International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists)  英國國際專業香薰治療師聯盟成立於2002年,主要是由英國三大香薰治療師協會 The Register of Qualified Aromatherapist(RQA)、The International Society of Professional Aromatherapists(ISPA)、The International Federation of Aromatherapists(IFA)的專業香薰治療師組成,擁有嚴謹的課程及考試標準,以培訓學員成為專業的香薰治療師。而且在英國,IFPA可以參與政府相關法律制定。IFA則是於1985年由一眾香薰治療師成立,為世界早期的香薰機構之一。



IFPA 與 IFA 的分別

1)Misson 使命


"To be global leaders, representing the professional practice of aromatherapy in all its aspects”成為全球領先者,代表芳香療法在各個方面的專業實踐。

“The chief purpose of the IFPA is to support aromatherapists and improve standards of aromatherapy education and practice”.IFPA的主要目標是支援香薰治療師,提升芳香療法教育和實踐的水準。」

 IFPA (The International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists) 

 set up in 2002 based in Leicestershire UK

 Website: https://ifparoma.org/


IFA 使命

“The IFA's mission is to be the world’s leading authority in aromatherapy. We aim to  Educate the public as widely as possible so they make informed decisions about  their healthcare”. 「IFA的使命是成為全球領先的芳香療法權威機構。我們的目標是盡可能廣泛地教育公眾,讓他們對自己的醫療做出明智的決策。

“Our purpose is the preservation of health by advancing the knowledge and practice of aromatherapy for the safety of the public”.「我們的目的是透過推進芳香療法的知識和實踐, 提升公眾的安全和健康。」


2)UK government policy making 政府相關法律制定

Both IFA and IFPA serve as advocates for the aromatherapy profession, actively engaging with government bodies and policymakers. Their influential role allows them to shape policies and regulations, ultimately raising awareness about aromatherapy and enhancing public access to this therapeutic practice. 在英國,IFPA 與 IFA 同樣可以參與政府相關法律制定。


3) CNHC Approved

Both the IFA and IFPA have received approval from the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) to assess and verify applications for registration in the field of aromatherapy. Members who have completed their training through accredited providers recognized by IFA and IFPA are eligible for registration with CNHC. The CNHC serves as the regulatory body for Complementary Healthcare Practitioners in the UK. Notably, doctors are permitted to refer patients to practitioners listed on accredited registers such as CNHC, as confirmed by the General Medical Council (GMC) guidance.

IFA和IFPA均獲得了Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council(CNHC)的批准,以評估和核實芳香療法領域的註冊申請。通過IFA和IFPA認可的機構完成培訓的會員有資格在CNHC註冊。CNHC是英國輔助療法從業者的監管機構。根據英國醫學委員會(GMC)的指南,醫生可以將病人轉介給在CNHC等認可註冊列表上的香薰治療師。


4) Membership


  1. Full Membership 全會員“For those who have completed the IFA Professional Aromatherapy Diploma or equivalent” 「已完成IFA專業芳香療法文憑課程或相等學歷者可申請」
  2. Professional Essential Oil Therapist (PEOT) Membership 專業精油治療師會員For those who have “completed the IFA Professional Essential Oils Therapy Diploma (does not include massage) or equivalent”. 「已完成IFA專業精油治療文憑課程(不包括按摩)或相等學歷者可申請」
  3. Associate Membership 副會員For those who have completed an Aromatherapy course to a Level 3 or 4 standard for  example: CITY & GUILDS, ITEC, NAHA,or hold professional full membership with: AIA, IAAMA, FHT, IFPA” 「已完成芳香療法3或4級水平的課程,例如:CITY & GUILDS、ITEC、NAHA,或持有AIA、IAAMA、FHT、IFPA的專業全會員」
  4. Carer Membership 護理員會員For those who have completed the IFA Aromacare course 「已完成IFA芳香護理課程者」
  5. Student Membership 學生會員“It is mandatory for any individual undertaking an IFA course to be registered as a student member.” 「任何參與IFA課程的個人都必須註冊為學生會員」
  6. Friend Membership 普通會員For “Any individual who has an interest in aromatherapy and wishes to receive the Aromatherapy Times and Holistic Therapist magazine, access our past and present webinars to expand their knowledge and research hub. No prerequisite required”.  「對芳香療法有興趣並希望接收《芳香療法時報》和《整全治療師雜誌》,以及訪問我們過去和現在的網絡研討會來擴展知識和研究中心的任何個人。不需要任何先備條件」
  7. Corporate (Company) Membership 企業(公司)會員   For companies who sell products and advocate the safe use of aromatherapy and sourcing of essential oils in a socially and environmentally responsible manner”.  「遵循社會和環境責任,銷售產品並倡導安全使用芳香療法和精油來源的公司」


  1. Full membership 全會員“Available to our fully qualified and practising members”「適用於完全具備資格且實踐中的會員」
  2. Associate membership 副會員“Available to aromatherapy practitioners who hold an aromatherapy diploma from another training provider.” 「適用於持有其他培訓機構發出的芳香療法文憑的芳香療法從業者」
  3. Student membership 學生會員“Students enrolled in an Aromatherapy Diploma course with one of our accredited training providers are expected to become student members.” 「由我們認可的培訓機構之一提供的芳香療法文憑課程的學生有望成為學生會員」 
  4. Non-practising membership 非實踐會員“This category is for those who wish to be part of the community but who are not currently practising as professional aromatherapists.” 「此類別適用於希望成為社群一員但目前不從事專業芳香療法師工作的人士」






Mémoire Academy的IFPA 臨床香薰治療專業文憑課程優勝之處,是我們以小班教學形式(大約8人)進行課程,確保每一位學生都得到導師的指導,導師亦有更多機會觀察及評估學生的進度以便調整教學。由於班上人數減少,同學之間更緊密聯繫可以達至互相交流、互相學習的良好學習氛圍。 我們Mémoire Academy 也是 英國著名學院  Penny Price Academy of Aromatherapy 的唯一香港分校.


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