獨特的 5 步驟治療計劃


我們的香薰治療師 - Carmen Man 在護膚品調配方面擁有深入和專業知識,並持續研究新的天然成分,為客人解决不同的皮膚問題。

我們獨特的 5 步驟系統可產生令人驚嘆的自然效果
– 涵蓋抗衰老、皺紋、皮膚色素沉著、痤瘡和皮膚保濕。



第三步進行皮膚測試(Patch Test)






Carmen Man (MIFPA) 是我們回憶學院的校長。她專攻臨床和高級芳香學。她在她的學院任教,為客戶提供諮詢並建立臨床客製化混合物。


Tailored Mande Natural Organic Skincare.  Ant-ageing Skincare Products, Problematic Skin Issues, Eczema and Psoriasis, Natural Skincare Consultant, Freshly Blended When You Order, Free From Harmful Synthetic Chemicals and Trusted Ingredients.  Penny Price Aromatherapy Products and School of Aromatherapy.  IFPA & IFA.
痤瘡 - 6 天
Tailored Mande Natural Organic Skincare.  Ant-ageing Skincare Products, Problematic Skin Issues, Eczema and Psoriasis, Natural Skincare Consultant, Freshly Blended When You Order, Free From Harmful Synthetic Chemicals and Trusted Ingredients.  Penny Price Aromatherapy Products and School of Aromatherapy.  IFPA & IFA.
嬰兒濕疹 - 10 天
Tailored Mande Natural Organic Skincare.  Ant-ageing Skincare Products, Problematic Skin Issues, Eczema and Psoriasis, Natural Skincare Consultant, Freshly Blended When You Order, Free From Harmful Synthetic Chemicals and Trusted Ingredients.  Penny Price Aromatherapy Products and School of Aromatherapy.  IFPA & IFA.
皺紋 - 2 天
Tailored Mande Natural Organic Skincare.  Ant-ageing Skincare Products, Problematic Skin Issues, Eczema and Psoriasis, Natural Skincare Consultant, Facial and Body Scars,  Freshly Blended When You Order, Free From Harmful Synthetic Chemicals and Trusted Ingredients.  Penny Price Aromatherapy Products and School of Aromatherapy.  IFPA & IFA.
疤痕 - 15 天
Tailored Mande Natural Organic Skincare.  Ant-ageing Skincare Products, Problematic Skin Issues, Eczema and Psoriasis, Natural Skincare Consultant, Freshly Blended When You Order, Free From Harmful Synthetic Chemicals and Trusted Ingredients.  Penny Price Aromatherapy Products and School of Aromatherapy.  IFPA & IFA.
顏料 - 2 個月
Tailored Mande Natural Organic Skincare.  Ant-ageing Skincare Products, Problematic Skin Issues, Eczema and Psoriasis, Natural Skincare Consultant, Freshly Blended When You Order, Free From Harmful Synthetic Chemicals and Trusted Ingredients.  Penny Price Aromatherapy Products and School of Aromatherapy.  IFPA & IFA.
燒傷 - 1 週